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PIP'S TIP'S - To Refrigerate your eggs or NOT?

Pips Tips

PIPS TIPS - To Fridge or not to Fridge your egg?
This is a question we get asked first to demystify....
In the US vaccination for Salmonella is not compulsory so its is regulated that all eggs have to be washed and sanitized before they are sold. Like I tipped about last week, eggs are all laid with a protective "Bloom" over them, when they are washed, this is removed and the shell become permeable (ie bacteria can get through the shells) This bloom stays on the egg for at least 21 days. So over there they suggest that all eggs are refrigerated as the lower temperature will slow down the spread of any bacteria. If your fridge (like mine at times) has some wonderful science projects in it.....Im thinking this mightn't be the best idea though.
In NZ, all chicks that are commercially produced are vaccinated for Salmonella, so this isnt a problem for us...unless your raise your own hens as they are not vaccinated. With out eggs, its completely up to you. The optimum temperature for storing eggs in below 16 degrees.... I keep mine in my pantry out of the sun and away from heat....but I use them within a week of getting laid.....but if you store them like this, they will still be fine right up to their best before date, they just wont be so perky and fat, the whites will run over the pan as they get older as the albumem (fine skin around the whole egg) starts to break down. So not the best for poaching either. Most of the research that I have read, interesting says that eggs kept out the fridge should stay fresh for 14 days....I guess thats another reason to get your eggs from us....they dont sit for a week or so out the back of the supermarket, waiting for the older stock to be sold, to be then put on a shelf with only a couple of weeks left before their BB date (see my BB date post here
If you buy eggs and you are going to eat them within a week or so, out of the fridge is fine, but if a tray is set to last you for a few weeks, it might be best to store half of them in the fridge so that breakdown is slower, and you will be able to poach as they get older. Another tip that I suggest though for everyone, whether in the fridge or not, is remove the plastic wrap, like us, they dont like getting sweaty! If I had my way....we would have no wrap....but then it is pretty helpful on the rainy days and with that virus we dont this space once its gone....I will try to convert you all to plastic free!!!
Just a few other relevant tips out of my brain....For high-fat recipes like cheesecake, cold eggs can harden the fat, resulting in a lumpy batter. Leave them on the counter or in a bowl of lukewarm water for a half hour before you use them, rather than storing them on the countertop.
Room-temperature eggs also work best for recipes that call for beating eggs or egg whites into foam like meringue. (Warm eggs = more volume.) Separate the yolks from the whites if needed while the egg is still cold, then let the whites come to room temperature before beating them.
If you have a lot of eggs that you fear will go to waste, you can freeze them—but not in their shells. Beat the whites and yolks together, or just the whites. They’ll keep in the freezer for a year. Awesome for bacon and egg pies and quiches etc!!
If you do fridge, leave them in there until you need them..... and the best place to store them is where the temp will stay the most even, so in the middle shelf at the back, not in the door where all the fridge designers think is the best place...... Pip knows more than them!!
Thanks again for reading Pip's Tips....Im thinking I might have to start a podcast channel..... lol.